Artists of the World

What was it that encouraged you to commit to this calling?

After my first visit I knew that Portland was where God wanted me to be. The city is passionate and lively, the parish was a good situation for where I was at in life.  I fell in love with every aspect of the opportunity and calling.

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When you finally got to portland, did you have a game plan?

I wanted to learn the culture and the people. Portland is very different from Southern California. For the first time in a while I was thrown out of my comfort zone. I was excited for what the city had to offer: the food, the people, the breweries.  People always joke that Portland fits who I am as a person and I’m starting to agree.


"I am a strong believer in the fact that God’s plan for you will never fail."


What struggles did you go through?

The biggest struggle was leaving my family and the great relationships I had because of ministry.   My entire family is in California so saying bye to them was hard, they mean the world to me.  Being a youth minister you build the healthiest relationships and friendships.  

Saying bye to the friends who would pray for me, grow with me, and bring out the best in me was scary because those friendships are hard to come by!  Leaving St. Martins was difficult,  the two year I served there were in my opinion my best years in ministry.  That parish taught me and helped me grow at a very important stage in my life.