Artists of the World

God has been stirring hearts for ages, and those of us in the Portland community are witnessing a time of revival right now- reviving our Church in a return to relationship led ministry and evangelization, a deeper commitment to Truth and to Beauty, and an enthusiasm for accompanying those on the margins. How fitting that our title for this night was “Revival.” A time of strengthening. Rallying. Improving.

the twelve apostles, were a ragtag group of teenagers and twenty-something-year-olds.

Our night began with Stations of Cross. Children of the parish took us through each station of Christ’s journey to the Cross, then young adults led our assembly in a deep, Spirit-led time of worship, message, and adoration. It is worth mentioning those who Jesus chose to turn the world upside down, the twelve apostles, were a ragtag group of teenagers and twenty-something-year-olds.


we are not made for comfort. We are made for greatness.

david calavitta


Throughout the night, one message was proclaimed above all others by David- we are not made for comfort. We are made for greatness. Pope Benedict XVI said man was created from the beginning for greatness, for God himself. But our hearts are too small for the greatness to which we are destined. Therefore, our hearts must be stretched.